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API Resources

The API is a RESTful API that uses JSON for serialization and OAuth 2.0 for authentication. In this section, you will find information about the API resources and how to use them.

Sorting & Ordering

Order By

The orderBy parameter is used to specify the field to be sorted. Its support virtually all fields of the resource.

?orderBy= parameter can be applied to any GET HTTP request responsible for listing records (mainly for Paginated data).

Sorted By

The sortedBy parameter is used to specify the order to be sorted.


The ?sortedBy= parameter is usually used with the orderBy parameter.

By default, the orderBy sorts the data in Ascending order, if you want the data sorted in Descending order, you can add &sortedBy=desc.


  • asc - Ascending order.
  • desc - Descending order.

Order by created_at in descending order.

GET /api/v1/rooms?orderBy=created_at&sortedBy=desc

Order by name in ascending order.

GET /api/v1/rooms?orderBy=name

If you don't specify the sortedBy parameter, the data will be sorted in ascending order by default.


The page parameter is used to specify the page number to be returned.

?page= parameter can be applied to any GET HTTP request responsible for listing records (mainly for Paginated data).

GET /api/v1/resource?page=7
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 100,
"count": 10,
"per_page": 10,
"current_page": 7,
"total_pages": 10,
"links": {
"previous": "",
"next": ""

Pagination object is always returned in meta when pagination is available on the endpoint.


The limit parameter is used to specify the number of records to be returned.

?limit= parameter can be applied to any GET HTTP request responsible for listing records (mainly for Paginated data). The limit parameter is used to specify the number of records to be returned.

GET /api/v1/resource?limit=10

It is possible to combine limit and page parameters to paginate the data.

GET /api/v1/resource?limit=10&page=7

To change the default number of records per page, please refer to the System Settings section.

Skip Pagination Limit

In order to allow requests get all data that matches their criteria (e.g. search-criteria) and disable pagination, you can set the limit parameter to 0.

This will return all matching entities:

GET /api/v1/resource?limit=0


The filter parameter is used to specify the fields to be returned.

?filter= parameter can be applied to any HTTP request and is used to control the response size, by defining what data you want back in the response.

GET /api/v1/resource?filter=id,name

The above request will return only the id and name fields.

"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Resource Name"

The filter parameter will be applied to any relationship that is included in the request. This means, that only the fields to be filtered will be present - all other fields are excluded. This also applies for all relationships (i.e., includes) of the object.


?search= parameter can be applied to any GET HTTP request responsible for listing records (mainly for Paginated data).


Spaces in the search query should be replaced with %20 (search=keyword%20here)

Search any field for multiple keywords

GET /api/v1/resource?search=?search=John%20Doe

Search in a specific field

GET /api/v1/resource?search=name:John

Use : to separate the field name and the search query.

Search in multiple fields

GET /api/v1/resource?search=name:John;email:[email protected]

Use ; to separate multiple fields.

Relationships (include)

?include= parameter can be applied to any GET HTTP request responsible for listing records. The include parameter is used to specify which relationships should be included in the response.

With the include parameter it is possible request for complex data structures, including relationships.

GET /api/v1/resource?include=relationship1,relationship2

How to Use

Let's say we have a Customer resource that has a hasMany relationship with Account resource. To include the Account relationship in the response, we can use the include parameter.

GET /api/v1/customer?include=accounts

Available relationships for a resource will be present in the meta object of any response.

"meta": {
"include": [

Nested Relationships

It is possible to include nested relationships by using the . (dot) notation.

GET /api/v1/resource?include=relationship1,relationship2.nestedRelationship

Skip caching

To run a new query and force disabling the cache on certain endpoints, you can use this parameter:

GET /api/v1/resource?skipCache=true


It's not recommended to keep skipping cache as it has bad impact on the performance.

Request Validation

StreamWise API uses different validation methods and techniques to ensure that the data sent to the API is valid and can be processed. All API endpoints will validate the request data and return a 422 status code if the data is invalid.

Single field example

"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"name": [
"The name field is required."

Multiple fields example

"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"name": [
"The name field is required."
"email": [
"The email field is required."

API Versioning

In creating robust and effective products and services that meet our users' ever-evolving needs, StreamWise believes that changes are inevitable. However, we deem it crucial to ensure that these changes do not adversely affect our users and the core functionality they are utilizing.

This is where the versioning of our APIs comes into play.

API versioning is an effective way for us to introduce changes to our API without disrupting existing functionalities for the current users. It allows us to make incremental updates or additions to our services without the risk of rendering obsolete the current systems relying on those APIs.

As part of our commitment to industry best practices, StreamWise currently supports:

This approach allows clients to clearly and reliably access the specific API version that they require. Furthermore, this also provides a clear and controlled path for adopting new updates and remaining supported if they are unable to upgrade immediately.

Along with versioning our APIs, we are dedicated to maintaining a robust documentation for each API version so that users can effectively understand and utilize our services.

The API is versioned using the v1 prefix in the URL. The current version is v1.

GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE /api/v1/resource